by Katherine Center
Sam is a librarian at an elementary school on the island of Galveston, Texas. The story starts with Max (the school principal) tragic death at his 60th birthday party. His death is very shocking to all of them. The school year is starting soon, and Sam learns that Max’s replacement is Duncan Carpenter, her crush from her previous job.
The Duncan she knew what a lighthearted and a loving person comparing to the one showed up at school and he was ready to make major changes.
The story was really simple and predictable as well as the characters that I thought were stereotypical. Unfortunately for me the characters were not relatable, I was hoping for more developed characters in this book.
I was expecting a bit of a suspense in the story, and better choice of characters.
In the same breath I do appreciate the subjects that the author covered, subjects such as school shooting, school safety, death, etc.
Overall, it’s a joyful story and a fast read.
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